パエリア ・ Paella

はまぐり ・ Clams

いか ・ Squid

アイオリのじゃがいも ・ Allioli potatoes

たことじゃがいも ・ Octopus with potatoes

キノコのコンフィ ・ Mushroom conserva


Confit of mushrooms with lots of herbs, jeres vinegar, olive oil

トマトとハーブのサラダ ・ Tomato and herb salad


I bought a Spanish cookbook, and this weekend tested it out, making 7 tapas. Since I'm trying to get to 100 posts by the end of year, each dish will get its own post :)


チキン・ヌードル・スープ ・ Chicken Noodle Soup


R seems to be getting a cold, so I made the compulsory chicken soup.

クレープ ・ Crepe


Yoghurt, raisins, banana, apple compote, persimmon. And a mini kaya toast on top.

チリ ・ Chili


Made with chicken and some other random stuff I had in the fridge.

クラムチャウダー ・ Clam chowder


Finally they had clams on sale in the nearby grocery store. I've been waiting for this.

チキンヌードル ・ Chicken noodle


I have a sore throat, so lunch was chicken noodles soup. Good thing I had some chicken stock frozen.

かつカレー ・ Katsu curry


R made curry, and I fried some katsu to go with it.

パニーニ ・ Panini

BMT ベーコン、モッツァレラ、トマトのパニーニ。ベーコンを焼き過ぎたけど。

Made a BMT, bacon, mozzarella, tomato panini. Overcooked the bacon, though.

スパムむすび ・ Spam musubi


One of the few items we imported from Hawaii into our menu.

煮込みハンバーグ ・ Stewed hamburg


R really likes this one, and I finally made it. I have this weird rule that I always make a stew before making stewed hamburg, so that the remains of the stew become the base for the hamburg sauce. Mmm gelatinized collagen goodness.

シチュー ・ Stew

色々なイタリアン ・ Random Italian stuff

フリタータの残り ・ The last of frittata


The last of this frittata, and some buttered toast.

イタリア風サバ ・ Italian style mackerel



There's a recipe for mackerel in an Italian cookbook that I have, and I wondered if just spicing the fish in an Italian way would really be able to make it anything other than Japanese salt-grilled mackerel with Italian spices. So I gave it a try.

Turned out pretty good. I'd say we're 70% of the way towards losing its Japaneseness and making it taste like a European dish. Mackerel has quite the character, and much of it is associated with the taste of Japan for me, so making it more Italian than this will be an uphill battle.

ズッキーニフリタータ ・ Zucchini frittata


Made it last night before going to sleep, and had it for breakfast this morning. Delicious with some basil mayo.

チキンスープ ・ Chicken noodle soup


Tried out the fresh Chinese noodles they have the nearby grocery store.

グリーンサンド ・ Green sandwich


Pesto, feta cheese, avocado, mixed leaves, avocado, mozzarella.

豚の残り ・ Leftover pork


Leftover pork and mashed potatoes, with freshly made Bavarian style cabbage and a salad.

ダッブル朝ご飯 ・ Double breakfast


Today was another Turkish breakfast day for me, so I made something else for R—pizza toast.

独りランチ ・ Bachelor's lunch


R is out on some family business today, so it was lunch by myself, accompanied by the TypeScript language specification. Didn't feel like doing anything ambitions in the kitchen, so fried up some of yesterday's pork with a couple of eggs and toast.

フレンチトースト ・ French toast

ポークロース ・ Pork loin


Sous-vide pork loin, mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, mushroom sauce.

クロックムッシュー ・ Croque-monsieur


R doesn't enjoy either olives or feta cheese quite as much as I do, so I figured I'd make her something that she does enjoy, hence a Croque-monsieur. Austrian speck, cheese, rosemary, scrambled egg, white sauce. Turned out quite tasty.

Every damn time I make white sauce, or any other kind of sauce that requires constant stirring, I go nuts and get really irritable. It's a very consistent pattern. Need a way to fix it, and no, avoiding making sauces is not the way.

トルコ風朝食 ・ Turkish breakfast


Black olives, feta cheese, tomato, cucumber, bread, tea. Happiness. Each taste left to be enjoyed on its own, standing for itself, unaltered by heat or other flavours. Truly tasty.

カニのパスタ ・ Crab spaghetti


First time cooking crab in any shape or form. In Japanese Italian restaurants, crab and tomato cream sauce is very popular, so I tried making it. Turned out pretty tasty.

オムレツ ・ Omelette


Omelette for breakfast today. The photo sucks, but it tasted pretty good.

ポトフ ・ Pot-au-feu


Lots of vegetables, and some squid.

スモーク魚のサンド ・ Sprat and avocado mini sandwiches


Didn't post anything for a while, but I was taking the pictures.